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Orthopaedic Consultations and Procedures

This specialty deals with the management of musculoskeletal disorders affecting the bones, joints and soft tissue structures. Management of sports injuries, trauma, joint dislocation, fracture reduction and stabilisation, wound care. We perform joint injections and other orthopaedic and general procedures. List of Conditions Joi...

Rheumatology Consultations & Procedures

This specialty deals with the management of musculoskeletal disorders affecting the bones, joints and soft tissue structures, including different types of arthritis-rheumatoid arthritis, gout, etc; inflammatory muscle disorders, autoimmune andconnective tissue disorders. We perform joint and soft tissue injections. List of Con...

Physician Specialist Consultations

This specialty deals with the management of acute and chronic diseases affecting the internal organs of the body. It includes preventative care, diagnosis and treatment of conditions such as lung and heart diseases, stroke, diabetes mellitus, kidneydisease, gastrointestinal disorders, infections amongst others....

General Practice (GP)

Our Family Medicine Specialist offers wholistic care to adults and children suffering from common medical conditions and infections, encompassing the physical, psychological and social aspects of their care. We also provide preventative Well-Man, Well-Woman, General Health Screening and Family Planning clinics....

Health Screening Packages

Available are individual and corporate executive health screening programmes; pre-employment medical screening; cancer screening; lifestyle advice, risk-factor modification and general management of patients to improve overall health and well-being. Contact Us...

Physiotherapy, Sports Injury & Rehabilitation Services

We provide therapeutic exercises and a variety of techniques and therapies for the management of acute and chronic injuries, musculoskeletal conditions, post-stroke and elderly care rehabilitation and paediatric skeletal and neurological deformities. Other treatment modalities to complement our services include medical massage, acupuncture and refl...

Diet and Nutrition

Our Dieticians are available to perform detailed assessments on nutrition and provide education, practical and personalised plans to assist patients achieve their healthy eating goals or work towards managing their disease. Contact Us Othe...

Dispensary Services

We stock devices for joint and limb stabilization and certified drugs to assist with the management of general medical conditions and musculoskeletal and rheumatic disorders Contact Us Other Services

Urgent Care

We provide acute care and stabilization of fractures; wound suturing and dressing; and medical urgencies within working hours. Contact Us Other Services
