Patient Charter
Nuffield Clinic provides a health service that is for all people living in Ghana irrespective of age, sex, ethnic background and religion; and requires collaboration between health workers, patients/clients and society.
Nuffield Clinic provides for and respects the rights and responsibilities of patients/clients, families, health workers and other health care providers.
Nuffield Clinic will be sensitive to patient’s socio-cultural and religious backgrounds, age, gender and other differences as well as the needs of patients with disabilities.
This charter ensures that service personnel as well as patients/clients and their families understand their rights and responsibilities.
Patients’ Rights
- You are entitled to full information on your condition and management and the possible risks involved except in emergency situations when you are unable to make a decision and the need for treatment is urgent.
- You are entitled to know of alternative treatment(s) and other health care providers within the Service if these may contribute to improved outcomes.
- You have the right to know the identity of all your caregivers and other persons who may handle you including students, trainees and ancillary workers.
- You have the right to privacy during consultation, examination and
- You are entitled to confidentiality of information obtained about
yourself and such information shall not be disclosed to a third party without your consent or the person entitled to act on your behalf except where such information is required by law or is in the public interest.
- Procedures for complaints, disputes and conflict resolution shall be explained to patients or their accredited representatives.
- Clinic charges, mode of payments and all forms of anticipated
expenditure shall be explained to the patient prior to treatment.
- You are entitled to personal safety and reasonable security of property within the confines of Nuffield.
- You have the right to a second medical opinion if you so desire.
Patients’ Responsibilities
The patient should understand that he/she is responsible for his/her own health and should therefore
co-operate fully with healthcare providers. The patient is responsible for
co-operate fully with healthcare providers. The patient is responsible for
- Providing full and accurate medical history for his/her diagnosis, treatment, counseling and rehabilitation purposes.
- Requesting additional information and or clarification regarding his/her health or treatment, which may not have been well understood.
- Complying with prescribed treatment, reporting adverse effects and adhering, to follow up requests.
- Informing his/her healthcare providers of any anticipated problems in following prescribed treatment or advice.
- Obtaining all necessary information, which have a bearing on his/her management and treatment including all financial implications.
- Acquiring knowledge, on preventive, promotive and simple curative practices and where necessary to seeking early professional help.
- Maintaining safe and hygienic environment in order to promote good health.
- Respecting the rights of other patients/clients and personnel working at Nuffield Clinic.
- Protecting the property of Nuffield Clinic.
NB: Adapted from the Ghana Health Service Patients’ Charter